Company referral promotion (“Company Referral Promotion”)
CardUp is running a referral promotion where business users can accumulate up to S$300 worth of Referral Success Promo Codes "THANKYOU/THANKSBIZ" and merge them into a single promo code (“Merged Code”) to redeem on their next business payment. CardUp Referral Program terms & conditions apply.
How do I earn the Referral Success Promo Code?
A Successful Referral is deemed when your Referee’s first payment is completed using your referral code. A payment is deemed as completed when the payment status on the Referee’s dashboard shows “Complete”.
Upon each Successful Referral, you will automatically receive a Referral Success Promo Code - "THANKYOU" ($30) or "THANKSBIZ" ($200) - directly credited into your account. You will also receive a notification email on this. -
I am eligible to participate?
Users with a business CardUp account are eligible to participate. -
When is the promotion ending?
The Company Referral Promotion ends on 31 August 2022. - When must my referees set up their payment by?
Your referees need to set up their payment by 26 August 2022, allowing 3 business days for the payment to be processed and complete by 31 August 2022. -
Where can I find the Successful Referral Codes?
Simply log into your account, and visit the Refer & Save section in your account setting. You will also receive an email. -
What do I need to do to take part in the Company Referral Promotion?
- Example 1: 1x $200 + 3x $30 = $290 (up to 2 sets of $290)
Step 1: Log in to your account, click “refer & save”
Send your Referral Code to your colleagues, business network, friends, and family and encourage them to set up their income tax payments, or any personal payment, by 26 August 2022. Please note that they must allow 3 business days to process and complete the payment by 31 August 2022.
They will enjoy $30 off the CardUp fee on their first payment on CardUp, and you will receive a $30 CardUp credit upon each Successful Referral.
Step 2: Send us an email request
By 9 September 2022, send an email to with the following details:
1) Your registered email address
2) A screenshot of your "Refer & Save" section in your account.
3) The quantity of "THANKYOU/THANKBIZ" codes you wish to merge, identifying them by their expiry date
For example, if you have 8 "THANKYOU" codes at $30 each, and 2 "THANKBIZ" codes at $200 each, you may request to merge up to $300 value per Merged Code:
- Example 2: 8x $30 = $240
Step 3: Receive your Merged Code(s)Once your Successful Referral Codes are merged, the code Status in your account will be reflected as “Redeemed”. You will receive your Merged Code(s) in the form of promo code(s) by 23 September 2022 to your registered email address.
Please note that these promo codes will not appear on the “Refer & Save” page in your account. -
When and how will I receive the Merged Code?
You will receive your Merged Code in the form of a promo code by 23 September 2022 via your registered email address. -
When will my Merged Code expire?
The expiry date of your Merged Code(s) will be based on the latest expiry in the original group of codes you chose to merge.
For example, if you merged one $30 code that expires on 1st October with another $30 code that expires on 1st December, your new $60 merged code will expire on 1st December.